Re: give each blog their own buddypress?
@Andrea-r – I believe I have the ‘first part’ solved already. That being that each blog has it’s own users. Aaron was kind enough to spend the time building a custom plugin for me that allows users to signup on a subdomain blog without leaving the subdomain. *Aaron rocks!*
This way each subdomain has ‘it’s own’ members, though all members are automatically added to the primary blog and the bp blog behind the scenes. [expect this plugin to be released on the premium dev site sometime soon so everyone can have it]
Now that each ‘blog’ will have it’s own users, I have an idea to attack this problem.
1. As most everything displayed by buddypress is via widgets, I may be able to duplicate the widgets and then write some custom filters to only output what the ‘subdomain blogs’ users have been up to.
e.g. filtering the activity stream to only show activity from the blogs users which is being displayed.
2. for those displays that are not widgets, like the members list/groups list/ etc…
That may take a bit more filtering.
Anyhow, I have to imagine that buddypress is already thinking about this type of stuff already. I personally just can’t see how they can even begin to implement buddypress on type of sites without this ability.