Re: give each blog their own buddypress?
btw.. the only reason I don’t have buddypress installed right now is I got sick of all the problems trying to upgrade wpmu from 2.7.1 to 2.8.4a with buddypress involved.
So I took the nuclear route and wiped everything out with a fresh install of 2.8.4a
I am waiting until next week when buddypress 1.1 is finally official before I install it again.
Not to mention that prior versions of buddypress just didn’t like being installed onto a blog id other than 1. (I tried every ‘hack’ on these forums to get buddypress to place nice on blog id#30 but it never took)
I’m seriously hoping that buddypress has solved the issue of installing it onto a blog other than id#1 in the new buddypress 1.1