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Re: Grasping at straws now – should WPMU & BP be in same DB or different?



Hi Jeff – key comment in this reply is the last line ;-)

So, if your source image is smaller than 150 on at least one of its dimensions, you could have issues with creating the large avatar. If it is smaller than 50 on at least one of its dimensions, you could have issues with creating the small and large avatar

So what happened to css basics?


maximum-width; 150px

note the use of maximum-width as opposed to width – or is that not available in javascript ? (genuine query as I don’t know js coding at all) – also, note the dimensions I gave in reply to Xevo way back up the thread.

it may be that your server is running too old of a version of the GD image library

possible, though highly unlikely with this particular host – I’ll check with them though.

never use the auto-upgrade feature when upgrading WPMU or BuddyPress. It is simple and quick enough to manually upgrade them and it gives you more control and assurance that it is done right.

Side topic response, but – I’m 2,000 miles from the closest of my servers (Singapore) and 8,000 from the main one where the install is running a deadline, and 12,000 from the US hosts that I also use heavily. It is NEVER quick to manually download the package, extract it and upload it from here – assuming the locals can keep the electric on for more than an hour at a time, and the internet connected for two consecutive minutes – that’s why the auto-upgrader was such a godsend when it arrived in 2.5 Having said that, I’ve noticed some very consistent differences on it with UK and US hosts – both the auto upgrader and the plugins/theme direct download to site and upgrades, work flawlessly on US hosts and never ask for FTP login. On UK hosts, they all always ask for FTP user login from wp-admin, and greater than 50% of the time they fail to complete all expected on-screen steps. I’ve also noticed that UK hosts tend to override the timeout preventions built into WP, which US hosts do not do. ….. don’t get me started on the pricing differences either – LOL

Are you on a shared or dedicated server? Talk with your hosting firm to see if there is some javascript-based application that the hosting firm has running on your server that could be interfering with the basic JS operations in WPMU

It’s a shared server, but a reseller account – half way step between shared and VPS as in limited main accounts per server but with dedicated RAM per reseller account and so on.

The background js / mootools question is a good one that I’ll fire at them.

On the UK install, I’ve tried every possible config right down to the barest of bones – even to the point of deleting (not just deactivating) all plugins and themes and dropping all tables created by any plugins – still problems persisted.

It got to the point a couple of hours ago that I finally had enough and made liberal use of the Ctrl+A and Del keys

Pffzzzzzt – zap – gone – empty domain space. I’ll be nuking the database in a minute or two as well, then uploading from scratch and starting again in the morning (1:00am+ here now) after letting the dust in my head settle after spending the whole weekend scouring the WPMU and BP forums trying to resolve this.

I’ll also be starting with a WPMU install that has no periods in its directory and folder names – i.e. NO ” blogs.dir ” style of names – I am convinced that is a major source of some problems related to images, just as I am convinced that the user blog folder tree goes way to deep for Google search bots to follow it all the way to the bottom – and that’s gonna hurt SEO.

As I said up a bit, I’ve nuked the install (and the test installs) and will make a fresh start tomorrow … to mis-quote a famous movie line –

“I love the sight of deletion in the evenings” ~ Major Lee Pistoff, in aPressolypse Now



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