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Re: Group Forum Integration

John James Jacoby


Chad, welcome and don’t be scared; you’ve lurked long enough to know we don’t bite. :)

I’m going to answer as best as I can in probably no particular order…

In step 6, Trent is referring to the BuddyPress groups page.

Checking cookie integration works fine, and as a matter of fact I’ve always checked it, because I know that not checking it on the bbPress side leads you down a different installation path. I think it basically makes me do the work twice, because checking the box makes you enter the salts and things that we’re already hard coding into the _config files. So, no worries there.

If you check my profile and look at some of the posts I’ve started, I had similar problems and Burt was awesome enough to help me through some things, but chances are that the IXR just isn’t linking up somewhere…

Let me see if I can find exactly how Burt suggested to debug this, but it worked really well and got me up and on my way in a few minutes, after a few hours of banging my head against it.

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