Nice. Good to see someone do some real theme work (not just colors).
Are you using bp-events? The latest trunk lists the directory view by date. Much better than by active. I also added a tiny function to bp-events-templatetags.php to display event dates in the directory. I imagine this will show up in the trunk eventually. Probably just an oversight not to have a site event start date function.
function bp_the_site_event_date_start() {
echo bp_get_the_site_event_date_start();
function bp_get_the_site_event_date_start() {
global $site_events_template;
return apply_filters('bp_get_the_site_event_date_start',
date(('l M j - Y'), $site_events_template->event->date_start));
Of course, you could use whatever date format you like. I happen to like “l M j – Y”.
In your directory loop you’d just use this to display:
<?php bp_the_site_event_date_start() ?>