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Re: Help! – I'm a BP noob and I broke my theme!

Jeff Sayre


So you are using a custom member theme that used to work but recently stopped working.

Did you discover that your custom theme stopped working after you upgraded BuddyPress? If so, you are missing some new functionality in your theme. In other words, your custom theme is out of date.

Switch to the default BP member theme and see if that works. If so, then you have three choices:

1. Copy the functions.php file from the new default member theme into your custom theme. If that does the trick, problem solved.

2. If that does not work, then the next option is to search through BuddyPress trac for all theme changes to the member theme since the last version. Make any necessary changes to your custom member theme.

3. As an alternative to 2 above, you could simply compare the code in the default BP member theme with your custom member theme.

Also, if you built your custom member theme from the default BP member theme, make sure that you have all the necessary CSS files for your custom theme.

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