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Re: Here come the spammers!!!



While you’re preparing part 2 I’ll make the comment (probably unpopular) that too an extent this is an issue that BP, WP, Automatic must accept some responsibility for in that WP has always followed the course of making it as easy as possible for inexperienced people to set up a blog/blogs the principle of ‘Out Of The Box’ and ‘5 Minute Install’ all designed to promote the app/s to those users who otherwise might be put off, it’s a marketing ploy to ensure that the app gains widespread and popular use (that is being deliberately cynical to make a point) It is due to that that I say there is a duty of care that falls on the App not on the user or community. I know how to get down and dirty with htaccess files, to read logs, enable various methods to deal with an issue – as do many others here – but lets not forget most don’t! I would suggest that it’s time to pull together all the various approaches to dealing with spam in one clear stickied post, make the steps as clear as possible but emphasize that these steps are of paramount importance to follow (thinking about it that may already exist?) Until such time as Foxly or the dev team comes up with the core improvements.

For the record I have enabled most of the steps found in various threads here and elsewhere and also disabled sub blog registration and receive no more than around 6 -8 spam sign ups a day, which we can deal with quite quickly and effectively, I’m still slightly puzzled as to why some appear to have such ongoing issues though, very sympathetic but puzzled nonetheless.

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