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Re: How to display avatars in normal theme at 125px?

Sven Lehnert


@ John James Jacoby,

I had a look in the bp-events-avatar.php to understand more what’s going on there.

I’m thinking the avatar part could be like it is now.

It would be enough, if the original resized image would be available.

I did some changes to the bp-events-avatar.php and make a plugin from it.

For the moment, I will use the modified functions in custom components until you offer a better way to do it. I think it would be really great if the original resized image would be saved by the core.

Be careful!

This Plugin is just a play around on a fun buddypress installation.

Plugin Name:bp-events-avatar
Description: This plugin add a template tag bp_event_flyer() to display the event flyer
Version: 0.0.1
License: GPL

function bp_event_flyer( $args = '' ) {
echo bp_get_event_flyer( $args );
function bp_get_event_flyer( $args = '' ) {
global $bp, $events_template;

$defaults = array(
'type' => 'org',
'width' => 'auto',
'height' => 'auto',
'class' => 'avatar',
'id' => false,
'alt' => __( 'Event avatar', 'bp-events' )

$r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );

/* Fetch the avatar from the folder, if not provide backwards compat. */
if ( !$avatar = bp_event_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $events_template->event->id, 'object' => 'event', 'type' => $type, 'avatar_dir' => 'event-avatars', 'alt' => $alt, 'css_id' => $id, 'class' => $class, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ) ) )
$avatar = '<img src="' . attribute_escape( $events_template->event->avatar_thumb ) . '" class="avatar" alt="' . attribute_escape( $events_template->event->name ) . '" />';

return apply_filters( 'bp_get_event_flyer', $avatar );

Based on contributions from: Beau Lebens -
Modified for BuddyPress by: Andy Peatling -

* Set up the constants we need for avatar support

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH', 50 );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT', 50 );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH', 150 );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT', 150 );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH' ) )

define( 'BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE', get_site_option( 'fileupload_maxk' ) * 1024 );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT', BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-xprofile/images/none.gif' );

if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT_THUMB' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT_THUMB', BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-xprofile/images/none-thumbnail.gif' );

function bp_event_fetch_avatar( $args = '' ) {
global $bp, $current_blog;

$defaults = array(
'item_id' => false,
'object' => 'user', // user OR group OR blog OR custom type (if you use filters)
'type' => 'thumb',
'avatar_dir' => false,
'width' => false,
'height' => false,
'class' => 'avatar',
'css_id' => false,
'alt' => __( 'Avatar Image', 'buddypress' ),
'no_grav' => false // If there is no avatar found, return false instead of a grav?

$params = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $params, EXTR_SKIP );

if ( !$item_id ) {
if ( 'user' == $object )
$item_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
else if ( 'group' == $object )
$item_id = $bp->groups->current_group->id;
else if ( 'blog' == $object )
$item_id = $current_blog->id;

$item_id = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_item_id', $item_id, $object );

if ( !$item_id ) return false;

if ( !$avatar_dir ) {
if ( 'user' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'avatars';
else if ( 'group' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'group-avatars';
else if ( 'blog' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'blog-avatars';

$avatar_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_dir', $avatar_dir, $object );

if ( !$avatar_dir ) return false;

if ( !$css_id )
$css_id = $object . '-' . $item_id . '-avatar';

if ( $width )
$html_width = " width='{$width}'";
$html_width = ( 'thumb' == $type ) ? ' width="' . BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH . '"' : ' width="' . BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH . '"';

if ( $height )
$html_height = " height='{$height}'";
$html_height = ( 'thumb' == $type ) ? ' height="' . BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT . '"' : ' height="' . BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT . '"';

$avatar_folder_url = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_url', get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'siteurl' ) . '/' . basename( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . '/blogs.dir/' . BP_ROOT_BLOG . '/files/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir );
$avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blogs.dir/' . BP_ROOT_BLOG . '/files/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir );

/* If no avatars have been uploaded for this item, display a gravatar */
if ( !file_exists( $avatar_folder_dir ) && !$no_grav ) {

if ( empty( $bp->grav_default->{$object} ) )
$default_grav = 'wavatar';
else if ( 'mystery' == $bp->grav_default->{$object} )
$default_grav = BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-core/images/mystery-man.jpg';
$default_grav = $bp->grav_default->{$object};

if ( $width ) $grav_size = $width;
else if ( 'full' == $type ) $grav_size = BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH;
else if ( 'thumb' == $type ) $grav_size = BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH;

if ( 'user' == $object ) {
$ud = get_userdata( $item_id );
$grav_email = $ud->user_email;
} else if ( 'group' == $object || 'blog' == $object ) {
$grav_email = "{$item_id}-{$object}@{$bp->root_domain}";

$grav_email = apply_filters( 'bp_core_gravatar_email', $grav_email, $item_id, $object );
$gravatar = apply_filters( 'bp_gravatar_url', '' ) . md5( $grav_email ) . '?d=' . $default_grav . '&s=' . $grav_size;

return apply_filters( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar', "<img src='{$gravatar}' alt='{$alt}' id='{$css_id}' class='{$class}'{$html_width}{$html_height} />", $params );

} else if ( !file_exists( $avatar_folder_dir ) && $no_grav )
return false;

/* Set the file names to search for to select the full size or thumbnail image. */
$avatar_name = ( 'org' == $type ) ? '-bporg' : '-bpthumb';
$avatar_name = ( 'full' == $type ) ? '-bpfull' : $avatar_name;
$legacy_user_avatar_name = ( 'full' == $type ) ? '-avatar2' : '-avatar1';
$legacy_group_avatar_name = ( 'full' == $type ) ? '-groupavatar-full' : '-groupavatar-thumb';

if ( $av_dir = opendir( $avatar_folder_dir ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $avatar_file = readdir($av_dir) ) ) {
if ( preg_match( "/{$avatar_name}/", $avatar_file ) || preg_match( "/{$legacy_user_avatar_name}/", $avatar_file ) || preg_match( "/{$legacy_group_avatar_name}/", $avatar_file ) )
$avatar_url = $avatar_folder_url . '/' . $avatar_file;

return apply_filters( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar', "<img src='{$avatar_url}' alt='{$alt}' id='{$css_id}' class='{$class}'{$html_width}{$html_height} />", $params );

function bp_events_delete_existing_avatar( $args = '' ) {
global $bp;

$defaults = array(
'item_id' => false,
'object' => 'user', // user OR group OR blog OR custom type (if you use filters)
'avatar_dir' => false

$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );

if ( !$item_id ) {
if ( 'user' == $object )
$item_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
else if ( 'group' == $object )
$item_id = $bp->groups->current_group->id;
else if ( 'blog' == $object )
$item_id = $current_blog->id;

$item_id = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_item_id', $item_id, $object );

if ( !$item_id ) return false;

if ( !$avatar_dir ) {
if ( 'user' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'avatars';
else if ( 'group' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'group-avatars';
else if ( 'blog' == $object )
$avatar_dir = 'blog-avatars';

$avatar_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_dir', $avatar_dir, $object );

if ( !$avatar_dir ) return false;

if ( 'user' == $object ) {
/* Delete any legacy meta entries if this is a user avatar */
delete_usermeta( $item_id, 'bp_core_avatar_v1_path' );
delete_usermeta( $item_id, 'bp_core_avatar_v1' );
delete_usermeta( $item_id, 'bp_core_avatar_v2_path' );
delete_usermeta( $item_id, 'bp_core_avatar_v2' );

$avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blogs.dir/' . BP_ROOT_BLOG . '/files/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir );

if ( !file_exists( $avatar_folder_dir ) )
return false;

if ( $av_dir = opendir( $avatar_folder_dir ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $avatar_file = readdir($av_dir) ) ) {
if ( ( preg_match( "/-bpfull/", $avatar_file ) || preg_match( "/-bpthumb/", $avatar_file ) || preg_match( "/-bporg/", $avatar_file ) ) && '.' != $avatar_file && '..' != $avatar_file )
@unlink( $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $avatar_file );

@rmdir( $avatar_folder_dir );

do_action( 'bp_core_delete_existing_avatar', $args );

return true;

function bp_events_avatar_handle_crop( $args = '' ) {
global $bp;
$defaults = array(
'object' => 'user',
'avatar_dir' => 'avatars',
'item_id' => false,
'original_file' => false,
'crop_x' => 0,
'crop_y' => 0

$r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );

if ( !$original_file )
return false;

if ( !file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/' . $original_file ) )
return false;

if ( !$item_id )
$avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', WP_CONTENT_DIR . dirname( $original_file ), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir );
$avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blogs.dir/' . BP_ROOT_BLOG . '/files/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir );

if ( !file_exists( $avatar_folder_dir ) )
return false;

require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php' );
require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' );

/* Delete the existing avatar files for the object */
bp_core_delete_existing_avatar( array( 'object' => $object, 'avatar_path' => $avatar_folder_dir ) );

/* Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping */
if ( !(int)$crop_w )

if ( !(int)$crop_h )

/* Set the full and thumb filenames */
$full_filename = wp_hash( $original_file . time() ) . '-bpfull.jpg';
$thumb_filename = wp_hash( $original_file . time() ) . '-bpthumb.jpg';
$org_filename = wp_hash( $original_file . time() ) . '-bporg.jpg';

/* Crop the image */
$full_cropped = wp_crop_image( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH, BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename );
$thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH, BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename );
rename (WP_CONTENT_DIR . $original_file, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $org_filename );
/* Remove the original */
@unlink( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $original_file );

return true;

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