Re: How To Edit Title Tags?
Sorry my bad . That plugin doesn’t work anymore, though.
Anyways I finally managed to make it work and customize the Title tags to make it a bit SEO friendlier.
To anyone else who wants pretty Title Tags, all you have to do is put something like this to your bp-custom.php
function my_page_title($title){
if ( is_home() && bp_is_page( ‘home’ ) ){
echo bloginfo(‘name’); echo ‘ | ‘; echo bloginfo(‘description’); }
elseif ( is_single() || is_category() || is_page(‘172’)) {
echo wp_title(‘ | ‘, false, right); echo bloginfo(‘name’); }
else {return ($title);}
add_filter(‘bp_page_title’, ‘my_page_title’, 10, 2);
The Pages where you want the custom title tag to appear need to be specified or the title tags of the directories will get messed up.
But honestly I didnt care as much about the title tags of the directories.
This is inspired by the code from Burt Adsit on another thread I found. It’s all over the place but it works so if anyone has a better rendition, then do tell me please