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Re: How to make a private community?



Hi, I’m the person who started this thread about 5 months ago!

I’ve been messing around with my own solution for a while now, and I’ve created my first couple of WP/BP plugins recently.

In fact, I’ve just released my BuddyPress Private Community Plugin:

Somebody has already given it 5 stars!

It’s basically a single static class that has a few customizable settings, you can block RSS feeds, stop widgets from displaying when the user is logged out, and set an array of pages that are public. Of course you can set the redirect page when I logged out user tries to access a private page too. It defaults to the home page, but I suggest you change that in the config.

There is an example of how to create your own config file for the plugin, one that is saved in a place that won’t be overwritten when you update the plugin and that doesn’t require database access – so it should be a lightweight and quick plugin.

It’s been working great for me, let me know what you think and if you find any bugs!

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