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Re: Introducing JobBoardr

I think €100 is well worth it for a good plugin. If the plugin means I can save a lot of time and get the results I need immediately, then yeah I’ll happily pay. My time and frustration are worth money too. If he spends 20 hours developing a plugin and I buy it for €100, I think I just got a great deal!

I find this JobBoardr plugin particularly interesting because we had a similar plugin written for our site, It’s a job hiring site for Americans to hire people in the Philippines as online workers. The big issue, as you’ve already discovered I’m sure, is how to separate the roles. We set up a custom field for workers and one for employers and made you pick your role on signup. The role is just a profile field you select on signup. Then on the site every function is dependent on which role you picked. Groups have been turned into jobs entirely. Employers can create groups and workers can apply to them. Another big issue we had was that employers always showed up in the search results. We wanted to display workers (members) and jobs (groups). No employers. So we had to get a custom plugin written (by the ever so talented R-a-y) to hide employers from search results.

It’s interesting that you’ve set it up so that employers ARE groups and workers are members. Are your employers not also members? Do they have their own profile pages? How did you get this to work correctly?

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