Re: Invite Anyone – invite by email too – please help test
Hi everyone,
I just checked in a trunk version with a bunch of fixes and new stuff. From the readme:
* Enabled Opt Out option for invitees
* Subject line is now customizable by the admin
* Admin can toggle whether users can customize subject line and message body of invitation emails
* Some localization bugs fixed
* Filtered spammers from group invitation list
* Fixed bug that may have caused problems with some MU limited email domain lists
* Email Address field is now auto-populated on Accept Invitation screen
If anyone feels like being an Outstanding Citizen and helping me out, they’re more than welcome to grab the development version, deactivate and move their current version of the plugin, activate the dev version, and put it through the paces. I’m especially concerned to hear whether the opt-out feature works in the way that you’d expect.