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Re: ISSUE: Group Forum Post – REPLY FROM ELSEWHERE (Activity Stream) – REPLY Doesn’t Go Back to Forum

Let me see if I can’t help out here… both plugins in question require theme edits and only built against the default theme – so there might be discrepancies if you use something else.

Remember the activity stream takes an excerpt copy of the content (forum topic, post, blog comment) for its own use. This is why there is confusing/division of conversations. IMHO – I would either disable activity stream commenting for forum topics/post/blogs or edit the activity/entry.php theme file

Activity as Blog Comments:
This will replace the wp-comment system and only use the activity stream as your blog commenting system. for an example: (while still retaining the regular wp-comment for admins or whatever wp_cap you set it as).

BuddyPress Forums Extras – Activity (subplugin)
Will only display a link that expands when clicked to show the tagged activity stream content for a given new_forum_post. for example: and click on “View Activity Replies to this Post” No syncing of data from the activity stream back into the forum.

A new plugin is in the works ( with the help of @r-a-y ) that will hopefully address this issue: Activity as Discussions – though i’ve been a bit slow on my end to wrap it up.

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