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Re: Member avatar for blog – code, please ?

The bit you’d want to change is /[membertheme]/directories/blogs/blogs-loop.php line 16, the call to bp_the_site_blog_avatar_thumb().

I’m too tired to figure out how to get the author/owner ID from the blog ID. If we could figure that out, you’d just change that bp_the_site_blog_avatar_thumb() function call appropriately and it would be easy, though you would be changing a core file (making future BP upgrades a PITA).

That’s the quick way. A better way would be to make use of the filter called ‘bp_get_blogs_blog_avatar_thumb_BLOGID’. In something like bpcustom.php, you would somehow get WPMU to return an array of all the blog IDs on the site. You’d then be able to write one function and call it via add_filter and then do exactly the same as in the “quick way” above.

Hopefully someone else can dig in and suggest how to get the author ID from the blog ID, then you can decide which to go for. I’d recommend the latter solution – though more complicated to do, saves time later.

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