Re: Need Testers: Activation Issue with BP v 1.2.5
@ seagrinch –
Thanks for the report. This confirms my suspicions. BuddyPress v1.2.5 has an activation issue under WP 2.9.2. So, as I stated above, the “Requires at least” tag in BP’s readme.txt file should be changed to WP 3.0. Otherwise, we will have people activating BP for a single blog, and not site wide–that is if they just click the “Activate” link in WP 2.9.2.
The other option is to give users of WP 2.9.2 clear, explicit instructions that they have to click the “Activate BuddyPress Site Wide” link instead of the “Activate” link. However, this will not guarantee that most users will actually see these instructions.