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Re: New FB Autoconnect Plugin for WP…will it work with MU/BP?



Tried it with a new user:

– username is generated correctly

– display name is only the first name -> how can I have full name as default?

– email is

The email problem probably has something to do with these settings in wp-admin:


ASK the user for permission to get their email address

REQUIRE user for permission to get their email address

It’s not clear to me what these settings mean. The second sentence is really cryptic/nonsensical. Should I select the second if I want to require an email address from users to enter my site?


If you select ‘REQUIRE…’ a user trying to log in with Facebook sees this:

TheWebsite would like to email you.

Allow TheWebsite to contact me at:

my Facebook contact email (

OK, makes sense…

Login goes through nicely. Email address is now entered into the account. A number 2 is added to the generated username – my two Facebook accounts are in the same full name. Nice!

The lastnames are added to wp_usermeta, but the display_name field in wp_users only gets the firstname. There are no lastnames stored in xprofile. I also need to figure out how to add fullname + email to my mailing list.

Where can I edit that behavior? Where are the queries?

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