Re: [New Plugin] BuddyPress Group Forum Extras
Hi @etiviti – I stand corrected
The buttons do need a slight change for my bbcode plugin.
under lists it needs to be
echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ul','UL','[ul]','[/ul]','u','','unordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ol','OL','[ol]','[/ol]','o','','ordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_li','LI','[li]','[/li]','l','','list item'));";
as my plugin handles lists with the correct bbcode codes.
Just might be worth putting this in a future update (a statement if bbcode short-codes enabled use that for lists, else use the original items)
Cheers! its looking good.