Re: No Title of Each Posts and Pages
I put the code in bp-custom.php from between line 896 to 950 in bp_core_templatetags.php and I get an error…
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_page_title() (previously declared in /path-to/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:3) in /path-to/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php on line 898.
Here’s the code I put in bp_custum.php:
function bp_page_title() {
//between line 893 to 948
return apply_filters( ‘bp_page_title’, $blog_title . ‘ | ‘ . esc_attr( $title ), esc_attr( $title ) );
How would I code what I want but the default one doesn’t work to begin itself with no headline title of posts and pages?
Thanks for helping, Mikey3D