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Re: No Title of Each Posts and Pages



Yes it would be great if title and meta description were possible to tweak in BP just like in WP, so many options there. E.g. in WP there’s no need for All in one seo plugin in WP for adding meta description in posts because excerpt for feeds can be used in the head of a theme. If it’s not in the BP core, who knows what a plugin developer will do tomorrow, upgrade the plugin or not it’s entirely up to them. The “SEO buddypress plugin” wasn’t upgraded a while back and it didn’t work 100%, people needed to use it together with the WP plugin so the installation worked also with pages in this title/description sense. I think if this was only a little more friendlier in BP it would become such a huge help. Maybe all this is in the BP code and can be simply placed in the head of any BP theme file like in WP installations (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was already there if the plugin exists) … but where to look? This is the major why I might not install in the root due to main pages and posts can not be nicely SEOed.

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