Re: Non buddypress plugins on plugin directory.
Just tried out Mingle and I’m very impressed with it, especially at the fact that it’s such a young plugin.
Mingle’s activity stream and commenting is the way BuddyPress should have done it.
I’ve never understood why status updates and the wire are considered separate.
Mingle also has basic out-of-the-box privacy features so you can choose if your profile is visible to your friends only or to the public.
The author of the plugin is Blair Williams, who has also made the excellent Pretty Link plugin.
No sitewide activity stream, pretty permalink support for user profiles, private messages support, or groups, but that’s understandable.
So far I like Mingle because it’s simple and I hope it stays that way.
It’s not enough to jump ship from BP, but it’s definitely a plugin to keep an eye on.