Re: oEmbed for BuddyPress plugin – out now!
May not be compatible with SI CAPTCHA:
Upon activation of oEmbed:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/bp-oembed/bp-oembed.php:110) in /home/public_html/sandbox/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868
When viewing any page (admin or otherwise)
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/bp-oembed/bp-oembed.php:110) in /home/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/si-captcha.php on line 961
Other than that, I only get the same warning that you say is fixed in trunk.
Good work!!