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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! no group creation option in groups



i think you for that and have been @ the support there as well…i didnt just assume this to be an issue with BP i was coovering all possible realms. when posted this to the support there i recieved this message from the theme creator them self. i dont want i to be assumed that i am throwing this weight on BP.

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Re: Some of Bp tools and menus doesnt work with suffusion

Postby sayontan ยป 02 Jan 2011, 22:58
BP issues are a lot tougher to address for me, because it is a part of a separate plugin, and because I don’t use BP myself. I am currently in the middle of a big release of Suffusion itself and I will pick up BP issues after that.

Sorry, but that is the best I can do.

after this message i felt lost or rather abandonded. so i returned to BP just to see if anyone could possibly be of help…i also went to word press forum….now i understand that i have exhausted all my possible areas of help. and still im stuck here….i apologize if this whole thing has become an issue i just wanted you to see i havent just been @ BP for help…..

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