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Re: Possible Bug: Group Avatar upload interface doesn\'t render




over here i encountered this problem too.

I am using wpmu 2.8.4 with Buddypress 1.1.1 and an BBPress Forum (not the integrated version, cause i want to use it as standard forum too).

So since i changed from the old “Two-Theme” system to the new one where the member theme is inside my wp-maintheme, i have this Problem and cant get rid of it.

Step 1:

Everything is in DB and seems correct

Step 2:

after clicking “Next Step” there is another group created without base data but with status.

There is no new groupforum created.

Step 3:

Sometimes i get here and if so i have a correct group(or so it seems in database), but after choosing the avatar i get another error saying “try again”.

Step 4:

Long time no see ^^ I have not seen this step since i changed the theme -.-

Hopefully someone will find out what causes this error :(

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