Re: problem with hoard hunter plugin
Check which plugins are activated on that specific blog and turn them off one by one. Sounds like something is interfering with something else. More than likely some kind of date re-writing or hi-jacking situation.
Otherwise, there’s only a few places this function gets calls inside BuddyPress, so it would take some tracing back of those functions to see what’s conflicting or what’s causing it to happen.
\buddypress\bp-core.php (5 hits)
Line 275: return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_insert_time_since', @sprintf( $content, @sprintf( __( ' %s ago', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $date ) ) ) ) );
Line 896: function bp_core_time_since( $older_date, $newer_date = false ) {
Line 998: $last_active = bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $last_activity_date ) );
Line 1000: $last_active = bp_core_time_since( $last_activity_date );
\buddypress\bp-friends\bp-friends-templatetags.php (1 hits)
Line 251: return apply_filters( 'bp_friend_time_since_requested', sprintf( __( 'requested %s ago', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $friends_template->friendship->date_created ) ) ) );
\buddypress\bp-groups\bp-groups-templatetags.php (2 hits)
Line 752: return apply_filters( 'bp_get_group_last_active', bp_core_time_since( $last_active ) );
Line 2346: echo apply_filters( 'bp_group_request_time_since_requested', sprintf( __( 'requested %s ago', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $requests_template->request->date_modified ) ) ) );
\buddypress\bp-xprofile\bp-xprofile-templatetags.php (1 hits)
Line 368: return apply_filters( 'bp_get_profile_last_updated', sprintf( __('Profile updated %s ago', 'buddypress'), bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $last_updated ) ) ) );