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Reply To: Profile tab dropdown menus



HI – I was wanting to do the same thing , and made my own functions from the two mentioned here:

Then edited my template files to create my own sidebar and call my function:

/ Create nested navigation items
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function my_bp_get_nav_nested() {
global $bp, $current_blog;

/* Loop through each navigation item */
foreach( (array) $bp->bp_nav as $nav_item ) {
/* If the current component matches the nav item id, then add a highlight CSS class. */
if ( !bp_is_directory() && $bp->active_components[$bp->current_component] == $nav_item ) {
$selected = ' class="current selected"';
//Get the sub-navigation items if currently selected
$subnav_item = my_bp_get_options_nav() ;
} else {
$selected = '';
$subnav_item = '' ;
/* If we are viewing another person (current_userid does not equal loggedin_user->id)
then check to see if the two users are friends. if they are, add a highlight CSS class
to the friends nav item if it exists. */
if ( !bp_is_my_profile() && $bp->displayed_user->id ) {
$selected = '';

if ( function_exists('friends_install') ) {
if ( $nav_item == $bp->friends->id ) {
if ( friends_check_friendship( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $bp->displayed_user->id ) )
$selected = ' class="current selected"';

/* echo out the final list item */
echo apply_filters( 'bp_get_loggedin_user_nav_' . $nav_item, '<li id="li-nav-' . $nav_item . '"><a id="my-' . $nav_item . '" href="' . $nav_item . '">' . $nav_item . '</a></li>', &$nav_item ) . $subnav_item ;


/* Always add a log out list item to the end of the navigation */
if ( function_exists( 'wp_logout_url' ) ) {
$logout_link = '<li><a id="wp-logout">root_domain ) . '">' . __( 'Log Out', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';
} else {
$logout_link = '<li><a id="wp-logout">root_domain . '">' . __( 'Log Out', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';

echo apply_filters( 'bp_logout_nav_link', $logout_link );


/ Edited bp_get_options_nav() to return a string
/ rather than printing directly to screen
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function my_bp_get_options_nav() {
global $bp;

if ( count( $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->current_component] ) < 1 )
return false;

/* Loop through each navigation item */
foreach ( (array)$bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->current_component] as $subnav_item ) {
if ( !$subnav_item )

/* If the current action or an action variable matches the nav item id, then add a highlight CSS class. */
if ( $subnav_item == $bp->current_action ) {
$selected = ' class="current selected"';
} else {
$selected = '';

/* echo out the final list item */
$subnav_item_render = $subnav_item_render . apply_filters( 'bp_get_options_nav_' . $subnav_item, '<li id="' . $subnav_item . '-personal-li"><a id="' . $subnav_item . '" href="' . $subnav_item . '">' . $subnav_item . '</a></li>', $subnav_item );
return '<ul class="subnav">' . $subnav_item_render . '</ul>' ;
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