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Re: Redirect Login to Activity Stream



I’m using the buddypress side bar which is great for creating new widget areas for widgets, I haven’t quite figured it all out yet but so far pretty promising. Then more to the point of your question is the “login with ajax” module which allows for redirects and all other sorts of options. This module is very easy to understand. I did have my site crash though, when I used it in conjunction with the “theme my login” module that I forgot to remove first. After setting up the redirect url’s for the “login with ajax” module, I then went into the widget setup area, and added the “login with ajax” widget into one of the side bars. Works great so far!!! I just have to search for a way to get rid of the login link on my buddy admin bar and I am good to go, well I still have to figure out how to put a widget into my header, but that’s for another forum search topic. Hope this helps you out.

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