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Re: Remove ‘deactivated blog posts’ from the recent blog posts widget?



bp stores information related to the blog you deleted and also for the user. To get rid of all the info that the user has generated you have to delete the user in wpmu Site Admin > Users. Deleting the user will remove from bp:

* all profile data for the user

* all recent blog post records for the user

* all blog post comments for the user

* all sitewide activity items for the user

* it flushes the cache

* all group memberships for the user

* all friendships for the user

You can grant additional users the site admin role in Site Admin > Options > Site Admins

List the user login names you\\\’d like to have that role. Site admins are the only users that can go on any blog and delete a post. Deleting a post from a blog removes the recent blog post record and the activity for that post.

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