Reply To: Remove “Visit” from the admin bar
You can remove the Visit random user/group by removing the links in the bp-core-adminbar.php file, found in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/ Its best to remove the lines of code:
<li class="align-right" id="bp-adminbar-visitrandom-menu">
<a href="#"></a>
<ul class="random-list">
<li><a href="root_domain . '/' . BP_MEMBERS_SLUG . '/?random-member' ?>"></a></li>
<li class="alt"><a href="root_domain . '/' . $bp->groups->slug . '/?random-group' ?>"></a></li>
<li><a href="root_domain . '/' . $bp->blogs->slug . '/?random-blog' ?>"></a></li>
This code appears between lines 221-237. Leave the opening function in place, just remove the code between, and including, the <li> and </li>
. Save the file, reload the page and the visit links should now be gone.
All the best,