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Re: Removing Groups From Forums



@alanchrishughes (“you keep talking about privacy”)

To develop a real social network you want to encourage people to share their real identity, real name, post a picture, some personal information, etc. They will happily do that provided there is some basic privacy protection in place; only members can see their profiles, only friends can see certain data, etc. The whole point of social networks is to provide an online environment where you can interact with other people online with the same amount of control and trust you have in the offline world. See Facebook and LinkedIn. Privacy/security control is fatally underdeveloped in Buddypress. That may be OK for a forum that revolves around topics, but not for a social network that is supposed to revolve around personal profiles.

I’m not the only one pointing this out…:

Individual Privacy settings for group areas
Members only?
Members only site

Just a few from the first page today…

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