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Re: Searching / browsing through extensions

I had some time earlier to create a little spider that basically:

– Scans the extensions page (all 12 pages!) for the direct URL’s of each plugin
– Extracts meta-data from each of the pages (title, rating, downloads, last updated, compatible, requires.. etc)
– Normalizes a little bit
– Dumps to text file for database import or CSV

Anyhow, for about 30 minutes worth of work, I was able to get most of the meta-data into a report. Some pages threw errors, probably because I didn’t set a delay between fetches or something but I could easily improve on this and cron the process into a database. Anyhow, I was mostly curious about searching through the extensions more effectively. Here’s a sampling of the top 20 or so by downloads:

# | Title, Version, Updated, Requires, Compatible, Downloads
1 | Plugin: BuddyPress 1.2.7 92 days ago 3 3.0.4 446618
2 | Plugin: W3 Total Cache 126 days ago 2.8 3.0.4 263812
3 | Plugin: MapPress Easy Google Maps 2.28 70 days ago 3 3.0.4 120369
4 | Plugin: All in One Webmaster 44 days ago 2.9 3.1 117468
5 | Plugin: Tweet Blender 3.2.4 50 days ago 2.8.0 3.0.4 81710
6 | Plugin: WP-Hashcash 4.5.1 296 days ago 2.9.2 71257
7 | Plugin: Login With Ajax 3.0.3 53 days ago 2.8 3.0.4 60193
8 | Plugin: Codestyling Localization 1.99.7 121 days ago 2.5 3.0.4 50702
9 | Plugin: Transposh – translation filter for wordpress 0.7.0 10 days ago 2.8 3.1 40218
10 | Plugin: Post video players, slideshow albums, photo galleries and music / podcast playlist 1.95 2 days ago 2.0.2 3.0.4 36651
11 | Plugin: Author Avatars List 1 121 days ago 2.8 3.0.0 32541
12 | Plugin: Buddypress-Ajax-Chat 1.3.8 31 days ago 2.9.1,1.2 30325
13 | Plugin: BuddyPress Media 14 days ago 2.9,1.2 3.0.4,1.2.7 26729
14 | Plugin: Twit Connect 2.56 77 days ago 2.7.0 3.0.4 20029
15 | Plugin: Welcome Pack 2.1 223 days ago 2.9.x,1.2.3 3.0, 17864
16 | Plugin: Invite Anyone 0.7.1 51 days ago 2.8,1.1 3.0.1,1.2.7 16969
17 | Plugin: BuddyPress Links 0.5 91 days ago 5.2,3.x,1.2.6 5.2.x,3.x,1.2.6 15916
18 | Plugin: BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 2.7.9 46 days ago 2.9.1 1.2 3.0.1 15806
19 | Plugin: BuddyPress Like 0.0.8 53 days ago 2.9 3.0.4 14836

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