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Re: Set a default template for blogs



DJPaul – I fear you are wrong – this is EVERYTHING to do with buddyPress – BP KILLS WPMU themes when that pig of a 1960’s ice cream parlour decor known as bp-sn-parent and it’s cantankerous child bp-default take over the entire site.

The plugin “Default Blog Templates” is available from the WPMU Plugins repository but the “bluddypress” default theme also kills the settings in that, and takes control of the blog admin pages too, such that saved drafts cannot be previewed and the top left button to “visit site” simply returns the user back to the blog admin dashboard.

I don’t know if this is specific to just v1.1.2 on WPMU 2.8.4a but it’s getting closer to a rip-out and ditch for BP for me. At least WPMU was working and ready for custom development before BP went in.

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