Re: Show favourite count after each activity?
@Ousep — I don’t have a bp-custom.php file (WPMU? I’m using single-user WP), but I put your function in my child theme functions.php file, and it did something, though it didn’t quite work.
It did not output a count of favorites next to the Favorites button in the Profile sub-nav bar (oddly, such a favorite count does is being displayed in the site-wide Activity stream navigation, however), which is what it should do, but it did output either a “(1)” or a “(2)” just to the right of the “Remove Favorite” button in each of the Favorites listed in Profile –> Activity (Personal) and Profile –> Activity — Favorites. It also posted a “(1)” or a “(2)” just to the right of the “Remove Favorite” button in Activity –> All Members and Activity — Favorites.