Re: show sidebar on single post pages?
Oh and lastly the sidebar is not being called into the correct position, again compare the two pages, in index.php ‘sidebar’ is called just before #content closes and in single.php you are calling it after #container closes and the comment after #container states
You just need to be careful when moving page elements around in templates and check carefully that they are in the correct position as on other pages.
So decide what sidebar you need to call if it is that left-sidebar then you will need to give it the same rules as the #sidebar, add the #sidebar-left id to the #sidebar ruleset in default.css. however this is simply a unnecessary extra div around an #sidebar so I would lose it altogether then you shouldn’t need to adjust the CSS, much better though is to call the same sidebar as the index.php (the locate_template call) and lastly you need to ensure that the sidebar is called into the same position before #content closes.