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Re: SVN Questions ..



It’s a while sincw I ‘ve used svn but if you are using Tortoise in a graphical? environment do new files or folders not have a overlaid blue- ish question mark on their thumb representaions, If when I was using svn if a added a new file directly then I would have to run ‘Add’ right clicking on a file that was new should give a revised Tortoise menu under TortoiseSVN shorter than normal with fewer options due to this file not being part of the repo, selecting ‘Add’ should open a smaller menu list of file and path and the optionto add this file to repo.

from the inline help:

If you created new files and/or directories during your development process then you need to add them to source control too. Select the file(s) and/or directory and use TortoiseSVN ? Add.

After you added the files/directories to source control the file appears with a added icon overlay which means you first have to commit your working copy to make those files/directories available to other developers. Adding a file/directory does not affect the repository!

Many Adds
You can also use the Add command on already versioned folders. In that case, the add dialog will show you all unversioned files inside that versioned folder. This helps if you have many new files and need to add them all at once.

To add files from outside your working copy you can use the drag-and-drop handler:

select the files you want to add

right-drag them to the new location inside the working copy

release the right mouse button

select Context Menu ? SVN Add files to this WC. The files will then be copied to the working copy and added to version control.

You can also add files within a working copy simply by left-dragging and dropping them onto the commit dialog.

If you add a file or folder by mistake, you can undo the addition before you commit using TortoiseSVN ? Undo add….

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