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Re: The BuddyPress next generation API, the journey begins



What JJJ said about it technicaly. What Andrea_r said about Facebook. I’ll add what I think as an admin.

BP is a stream for me as a user and not a techie. I need to be able to tweak everything that shows up in the stream in a way so that the community can expand. We’ve got 250 users now at a closed community with about 20% really active users. I’d like to grow up to at least 1000 users but I’m afraid of what will become of the Stream. I’ve got 300 very active friends over at Facebook and it makes me want to hide away from it. I mostly never go there since it’s too much to follow.

Also apart from the Stream there needs to be containers for all things for part time users. They should be able to follow the community even if they don’t take a peek every day.

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