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Re: The Chemistry Book



Now that there are several hundred more students registered, feedback has prompted a few more “tiny” updates to the theme:

Number 1
The members area has been simplified. No sidebar shows and the member-header has been widgitized. The simplification helps with the slow performance of the site.

Number 2
The tutoring area is now sorted by groups, alphabetically. The latest five posts show and buttons are available for creating a new topic in that particular forum.

Number 3
Pagination is now available in the activity stream. Rather than rely on the ajax “load more” – pages are available.

Number 4
Registration page changed to a single page, without sidebars. This stops the “cramped” feeling during registration.

Number 5
Microsoft Translator added to the footer. EL students are now able to change the page to load in their native language.

Still waiting for the BP Media to be out of nightly builds so that the latest photos become available site wide.

I’m still debating about a “faster” loading /start page. While the page provides explanations, too many kids are not reading the information. It’s probably a waste of bandwidth. But the jury is out on that one …

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