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Re: Theme Protection

this isn’t a BP issue it’s a general web dev one and given the nature of how things work it isn’t possible nor should one try.

It’s often asked but the fact is that you can’t really consider CSS or markup as copyright or unique , you can’t stop people taking chunks of code or whole stylesheets and given that vast amounts of CSS is taken from elsewhere nowadays anyway makes it even more pointless.

No doubt someone will chip in with the usual scripts to prevent or obfuscate CSS but the fact is that you allow a browser to download these files so you can’t really prevent people copying stuff.

Images, copy, that’s another issue as these can be covered by ‘rights’ a set of layout graphics same thing you can forbid there use expressly as they represent a unique design and your graphics are automatically your property until you sign the rights to them away.

Oh and myspace copyrighting their CSS – stuff and nonsense it would never hold up.

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