Re: Tried HipHop ?
well i tried it costed me 4 hours, here is what you can start with on a centos 5.4
yum install cmake gcc-c++ boost flex bison libmysql libxml2 libmcrypt libicu libcap gd zlib tbb oniguruma curl-devel.x86_64 libevent
it will give you
No package tbb available.
No package oniguruma available.
No package libmysql available.
then u should go ahead and install this;
and this
and still being unable to compile this stupid device.
on their documentation, it’s simple,
after all; you will get:
CMake Error: The source directory “/home/user/hiphop” does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
according to facebook, it should have just worked.
maybe i should give it a try on Fedora. I give up for today.