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Re: TwentyTen child theme for BuddyPress

Marco Giustini


Let me know how it works Buddypress… I have a WP 3.0 Multiuser install with Buddypress 1.2.5 and I wish to have a network like I need a common admin bar for all the network sites, so the users coming from the other sites can access to the network services (groups, forums, activity, pm, etc..) of the main site. So I need a unique template for all the sites. To do that, I cannot use the BP-Twentyten template but I converted the Twentyten template, using the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin. So now I have a template I can use on Buddypress based main site and also on the slave sites. The only problem is that this new template needs the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin to work. Actually I’m working on a test install, I need for the production install a common template independent from the plugin, but I have no coding skills to make it working. Can you help me?

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