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Re: Update BP from “.com/beta/” to just “.com/”



I’ve moved BP sites around, particularly from localhost dev boxes to a live site — it’s not all that hard, but you do need to

a) edit bb-config.php and wp-config.php
b) go in to the MySQL database and edit every occurence of the old URL to the new one.
c) make sure your htaccess files aren’t borked.

What I’d do, step by step, is

1) export your entire BP MySql database.
2) search and replace URLs in the export file (but keep the original just in case)
3) Move all the files to the new location on your server
4) Make sure .htaccess, bb-config.php and wp-config.php are OK.
5) Import the SQL file with the changes.
6) Login and cross your fingers!

Honestly, though, I’m pretty sure that’s all I’ve ever done in moving from /localhost to a live server, and it’s worked fine. YMMV.

If you keep the original db export and original copies of any files you change and things do sideways, it shouldn’t be that hard to revert.

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