Re: Username starts from uppercase letter
I wouldn’t mod a function, I’d add a filter. Hang on while I look for the filter name. (brb)
OK, what I think you’ve done is change the ‘Full Name’ profile field and called it ‘nickname’ in the BuddyPress settings area right?
So, in bp_fetch_user_fullname() it sets up a filter for us:
apply_filters( 'bp_fetch_user_fullname', stripslashes( trim( $data ) )
You’d need to create a function something like:
function my_nickname_filter($name) {
return strtolower($name);
And register the filter with:
add_filter('bp_fetch_user_fullname', 'my_nickname_filter')
Hopefully bp uses the bp_fetch_user_full_name() fn everywhere. Can’t see much reason to create it if it didn’t.
I see these hooks all over the place. Andy has done gone filter happy.