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Re: Why using pages for BP sections is a bad idea



@Travel-Junkie I wouldn’t call it innovation. Using pages for such functionality is a hack.

@MrMaz I like the idea of BuddyPress being split up, but not as a theme, I think it should remain a plugin, but just not so robust.

The problem the WordPress community is making is trying to make it so that literally anybody can build a website with a click of a button. While this may sound good, it means that we have too much automated crap going on and not enough flexible development. I really dislike that BP can be even added from the directory and has a default theme, it would of been much better manually done as a bunch of code you add to your own theme as the bp-template-pack does, and then the core code as a simple plugin. But that’s beyond the scope of this topic. The main problem at the moment is the whole WP model of using pages to fake stuff, when pages are for static chunks of content and nothing else. BP had it nailed before, we just needed more flexibility in the code behind to mess with the URLs more, the pages actually make it more robust than before as it means admins can mess the site up!

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