Re: wierd bugs
Found the problem with the 404 page showing up on a redirect with buddypress. It’s not buddypress.
in wp-includes/pluggable.php in the main wp core the function wp_redirect –
if ( $is_IIS ) {
header(“Refresh: 0;url=$location”);
} else {
if ( php_sapi_name() != ‘cgi-fcgi’ )
status_header($status); // This causes problems on IIS and some FastCGI setups
header(“Location: $location”);
the $is_IIS is doing a REFRESH: 0; url=location when on windows server 2008 header(“Location: $location”); works fine with the latest fast-cgi module release
SOO basically in wp-includes vars.php making this change:
* Whether the server software is IIS or something else
* @global bool $is_IIS
if (strpos($_SERVER, ‘Microsoft-IIS’)) {
if (strpos($_SERVER, ‘Microsoft-IIS/7.0’)) {
$is_IIS = false;
} else {
$is_IIS = true; // (strpos($_SERVER, ‘Microsoft-IIS’) !== false) ? true : false;
} else {
$is_IIS = false;
fixed it, by declaring that a microsoft-iis/7.0 server is *not* iis