Re: Windows Server 2008 IIS7
Hey guys,
So this is a shot int he dark, but ill tell ya what we have figured out so far.
I worked with some of our Server Operations guys, and they were able to narrow it down to the bp-groups.php file, it loads each ctivity, blogs, forums, friends, groups, messages, and xprofile individually, after checking to see if its enabled and that it exists.
Something in that file is causing Zend to go crazy and throw the 500 error.
We notice that BuddyPress says its fully supported on WordPress 3.0.0, is it possible that there is a change from 3.0.1 that could effect this? I recommend trying to install 3.0.0, or even an earlier version to see if it works.
Currently, we have renamed wp-contentpluginsbuddypressbp-groups.php to wp-contentpluginsbuddypressbp-groups.php.disabled, and your site now loads.
Thank you
Justin H
NewTek WebHosting – TST