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Re: WordPress 3.1

Anonymous User 96400


Well, I get around 1 spam signup a week, if that. On any of my BP sites. For me, alphabetic ordering makes sense. And it would be for most WP sites (most of which aren’t BP enabled sites, btw). Obviously, WP development is separate from BP development, so changes made to WP might not make much sense for some BP users, but a lot of sense for the majority of WP users. Just some food for thought…

I just upgraded 7 of my sites to WP 3.1 plus a few client ones and didn’t have any plugin problems at all. With the widespread adoption of WP it’s natural that some sites will experience problems, but don’t make this out to be an issue for everybody, when in fact it isn’t.

As for the network admin page, this way is more organized. Stay on the current blog admin page to handle everything to do with this particular blog, go to the network page for anything related to running the network, like sitewide enabled plugins. To me this makes sense…

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