Re: wp and bp profile syncing–works only sporadically
I don’t understand your issues with member management? WordPress MU provides excellent member management tools, and BuddyPress rides on the back of this. What is it that you need so desperately?
What is your solution to the main question of this thread? I have given my hack, but it doesn’t work for Dan Butcher.
Also if the member management tools are so great, can you answer how to display basic profile information anywhere in the theme?
My main issue with member management in BP is that there is no built-in consistent way to store firstname+lastname, as I’ve explained over and over to the annoyance of many on this forum. It makes it much more difficult to integrate third party scripts that do require firstname + lastname, like mailing list ListMessenger in my case.
Commercial membership plugins apparently create their own members table to not be stuck in WP’s built-in users management. If WP had a more solid solution that would not be necessary.
WordPress provides a decent base, but over the years bits and pieces were apparently added in different tables – nickname, display name, first name, last name, … – and BP added xprofile on top of that without synchronization with wp_usermeta. But I’m repeating myself again…
Just trying to help so you’re not completely ignored.
I’m ignored anyway.