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Re: wp and bp profile syncing–works only sporadically

What is your solution to the main question of this thread? I have given my hack, but it doesn’t work for Dan Butcher.

Point me to a ticket with steps to reproduce and I will happily take a look at it.

Also if the member management tools are so great, can you answer how to display basic profile information anywhere in the theme?

This is all over the forums, but I’ll post it again:

<?php echo xprofile_get_field_data( $field_id_or_name, [ $user_id optional ] ) ?>

My main issue with member management in BP is that there is no built-in consistent way to store firstname+lastname, as I’ve explained over and over to the annoyance of many on this forum.

This isn’t going to change, I’m not going to force people to enter “firstname” and “lastname” for the same reasons I wouldn’t force people to enter “state” or “postal code”. You can bring it up as much as you’d like on the forums, but a solution that works for everyone in the world is to have a single field. If you would like something else, then it’s possible to write a plugin or work around it. I’ve seen no more than ten people complain about this out of everyone who uses BuddyPress. If this was a widespread issue then there would be endless complaints and tickets.

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