Re: wp and bp profile syncing–works only sporadically
I’ve seen no more than ten people complain about this out of everyone who uses BuddyPress. If this was a widespread issue then there would be endless complaints and tickets.I’ve seen no more than ten people complain about this out of everyone who uses BuddyPress. If this was a widespread issue then there would be endless complaints and tickets.
You will see more complaints when Buddypress moves out of the current audience of typical wp-users/coders/bloggers to businesses, schools, associations, etc.
You seem to have a tendency to approach people in a very direct and confronting way.
I’m not trying to make friends and don’t expect a lot of help anyway. I use the forums partly to keep track of my own development issues and partly to let the developers know where the real pain points are for a regular user, who knows some html/css and a bit of php, but is not a programmer.
I also represent the people who are not on this forum; who try BP, get frustrated and give up.
But yes, this is all off-topic. The question is still wp-bp profile syncing!