Re: wp-signup.php redirects to registration-slug – WHY???
This problem comes from the bp_has_custom_signup_page
It checks to see if your theme can locate_template( array( 'register.php' ), false )
or locate_template( array( '/registration/register.php' ), false ) )
Since your child theme has neither of those files, naturally it will return false and give you wp-signup.php as the link. To counter this, BuddyPress attempts to be smart and redirect to BP_REGISTER_SLUG.
If you always want to bypass this check all together, you could try putting this in your bp-custom.php file…
function bp_custom_get_signup_page( $page ) {
global $bp;
return $bp->root_domain . '/' . BP_REGISTER_SLUG;
add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_page', 'bp_custom_get_signup_page' );
Note that bp_get_activation_page
and bp_has_custom_activation_page
work the same way, and the same rules apply if for some reason you want to bounce people from a different activation page.