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Re: wp-super-cache strategy



Looking at is_404() and it’s brethren. These things are part of the wp_query lib that:

* The query API attempts to get which part of WordPress to the user is on. It

* also provides functionality to getting URL query information.

When trapping an url and gen’ing a page based on that virt url we aren’t in wp any more. I see in bp_core_do_catch_uri() that first a check is made to see if this is a blog page. That doesn’t work. The workaround for not gen’ing 404s for directories is to create a wp page that is ignored. We get the title for the page and the directory itself and no 404.

Looking at bp_is_blog_page() I see that all it does is detect if this is a member page, news or a bp component page. Return true else false.

So bp_is_blog_page() returns true for virt urls.

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